Join the Cause on World Cleanup Day 2024 

We’ve all seen the signs warning of fines for littering and heard the message about taking care of the planet. Yet, despite these reminders, a 2009 report found that 1 in 3 Canadians aged 18–24 still litter. With the rise in single-use plastics, it’s likely that this statistic has only worsened. Thankfully, there are still … Continued

What Happens to My Recycling?

Recycling tells a powerful story of transformation and renewal. Not only does it prevent re-usable material from emitting greenhouse gases in a landfill, it creates jobs, sparks ingenuity, and helps natural systems regenerate themselves. We’re all aware of the benefits of recycling at a high level, but have you ever stopped to wonder about the … Continued

Your Guide to a Sustainable Back to School Season

Back to school means back to countless routines we’ve mastered over the years; it’s also the ideal tie to embrace new traditions, especially as they relate to sustainability. Though it can be tempting to buy a host of new supplies for the new school year, there are more environmentally (and wallet) friendly ways to get … Continued

What Does Miller Do With All That Waste?

“Out of sight, out of mind” is the adage we most commonly apply to waste. Once we’ve tossed a banana peel into the bin or hauled our blue boxes to the bottom of our driveway, we usually don’t give them a second thought. However, we also see and hear massive garbage trucks making their rounds through … Continued